Protecting Your Assets After Marriage

Postnuptial Agreement Attorneys
in New York City

Protect your assets and plan for the future with a postnuptial agreement crafted by the professionals at Levoritz Law Firm.

Legal Representation for Postnuptial Agreements in NYC

Levoritz Law Firm is a trusted legal resource for clients throughout New York City. We provide comprehensive representation for postnuptial agreements, ensuring your financial future is protected. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through the process and craft a personalized agreement that meets your specific needs.

What Is a Postnuptial Agreement?

A postnuptial agreement is a legal document created by spouses after they are married or have entered a civil union. This marital agreement outlines how assets, debts, and other financial matters will be handled in the event of a separation or divorce.

Unlike a prenuptial agreement, which is made before the marriage, a postnuptial agreement is established after the couple has legally committed to each other. This type of agreement can help clarify the financial rights and responsibilities of each spouse and can include provisions for the division of property, spousal support, and other relevant financial issues.

Why Would You Need a Postnuptial Agreement?

Postnuptial agreements can be a practical tool for couples in various situations. Here are several reasons why someone might consider creating one:

Change in Financial Circumstances

If one spouse experiences a significant change in financial status, such as receiving a large inheritance, starting a successful business, or encountering financial difficulties, a postnuptial agreement can help redefine financial expectations and responsibilities.

Protection of Assets

A postnuptial agreement allows individuals to protect their separate assets, ensuring that property or investments brought into the marriage or acquired individually can be clearly defined and protected in case of a divorce.

Clarification of Financial Responsibilities

Couples can use it to specify who is responsible for specific debts, such as mortgages, student loans, or credit card debts, helping prevent disputes in the event of a separation.

Children from Previous Relationships

For those with children from prior relationships, a postnuptial agreement can safeguard assets intended for those children, ensuring that they receive their intended inheritance or financial support.

Marriage Reconciliation

In cases where a marriage has been strained or there's been a temporary separation, couples may use a postnuptial agreement as a tool to facilitate reconciliation by removing uncertainties and setting clear financial expectations and boundaries.

Update a Prenuptial Agreement

Circumstances may have changed significantly since the marriage began, making the terms of a prenuptial agreement outdated. A postnuptial agreement can modify or replace previous arrangements to reflect the current situation.

What Can Be Covered in a Postnuptial Agreement?

A postnuptial agreement can cover a wide range of issues related to the financial aspects of a marriage, as well as other marital issues that might arise.

Here are some of the key elements commonly included in a postnuptial agreement:

  • Asset Division

    Specifies how marital property and assets will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation.

  • Debt Allocation

    Outlines responsibilities for debts incurred before and during the marriage, determining who will be responsible for which debts.

  • Spousal Support

    Establishes whether one spouse will pay alimony to the other in the event of a divorce, and if so, the amount and duration of those payments.

  • Retirement Benefits

    Details how retirement accounts and benefits will be treated, which can be important, as these assets can significantly grow in value over time.

  • Business Ownership

    Defines what happens to business interests, especially if one spouse owns a business or if the couple runs a business together.

  • Inheritance and Gifts

    Clarifies how inheritances and gifts to individual spouses will be treated, ensuring they remain separate property if desired.

  • Management of Family Finances

    Specifies how the family finances are managed, including who handles expenses, investments, and financial planning.

  • Children’s Issues

    Outlines welfare-related matters, including education and religious upbringing.

  • Provisions for Changes in Circumstances

    Includes clauses that activate under certain conditions, such as a significant change in income or receiving an inheritance.

Some agreements include a sunset clause that specifies when the agreement will expire or the conditions under which the agreement can be renegotiated or voided.

Contact a Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer in New York Today

Protect your future with Levoritz Law Firm. Schedule your postnuptial agreement consultation now.

What Are the Requirements for a Postnuptial Agreement in New York?

A postnuptial agreement must meet certain legal requirements to be considered valid and enforceable.

Here are the key requirements for a postnuptial agreement:

  • Written Agreement

    The postnuptial agreement must be in writing.

  • Voluntary Agreement

    Both parties must enter into the agreement voluntarily, without any duress, coercion, or undue influence from the other party.

  • Full Disclosure

    There must be a full and fair disclosure of all assets, debts, and income by both parties at the time of signing the agreement.

  • Fair and Reasonable

    If an agreement is excessively one-sided or unconscionable, it may be deemed invalid by a court.

  • Legal Representation

    It is often required that each party have independent legal representation or at least the opportunity to seek independent legal advice.

  • Execution and Notarization

    The agreement must be properly executed by both parties and notarized to formalize the document and help confirm its authenticity.

  • No Violation of Public Policy

    The agreement cannot include terms that violate public policy or criminal laws.

These requirements are designed to make sure that the agreement is fair and that both parties have entered into it willingly and with full knowledge of its implications.

Benefits of Postnuptial Agreements

Postnuptial agreements offer several benefits that can be crucial for marital relationships and personal financial planning.

Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Clarity and Certainty

    These agreements provide clarity and certainty about how assets and debts will be handled, which can significantly reduce potential conflicts.

  • Flexibility

    Couples can tailor a postnuptial agreement to meet their specific needs and circumstances, making it a flexible tool for addressing significant life events.

  • Promotes Financial Responsibility

    By laying out financial duties and expectations, a postnuptial agreement encourages transparency and financial responsibility.

  • Strengthens Relationship

    Discussing and agreeing on a postnuptial agreement forces couples to communicate about difficult topics and to work together to find solutions.

  • Eases the Divorce Process

    If a divorce occurs, a postnuptial agreement can expedite it by avoiding lengthy court battles and reducing the emotional and financial strain.

  • Estate Planning

    It can be integrated into estate planning strategies so that assets are distributed appropriately in the event of separation but also in case of death.

Postnuptial agreements, when done correctly, provide a structured and proactive approach to handling complex issues in a marriage, contributing to both partners' peace of mind.

Why Choose Levoritz Law Firm for NYC Postnuptial Agreements?

Choosing Levoritz Law Firm for drafting and negotiating your postnuptial agreement in New York City offers numerous advantages. Here's why we stand out.

Knowledge of Family Law

We focus on family law, ensuring that you receive skilled and experienced legal counsel. Our deep understanding of New York matrimonial law ensures that your postnuptial agreement will be crafted with precision and compliance with state laws.

Reputation of Excellence

Levoritz Law Firm has established a strong reputation for legal excellence and client satisfaction in New York City. This reputation is backed by numerous positive testimonials and a history of successful outcomes.

Commitment to Client Interests

We are known for our commitment to protecting the interests of our clients. Whether negotiating terms or ensuring that the agreement is enforceable, our focus is always on securing the best possible outcome for you.

Strong Negotiation Skills

In situations where one party might have more leverage than the other, skilled negotiation is crucial. Our attorneys are adept negotiators who can help develop a fair and equitable agreement.

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  • Do I and my spouse need separate attorneys when creating a postnuptial agreement?

    Yes, it is highly advisable for you and your spouse to obtain separate attorneys when creating a postnuptial agreement. This ensures that the interests of both parties are independently represented, which helps prevent conflicts of interest and increases the enforceability of the agreement.

  • What is the difference between postnuptial and prenuptial agreements?

    The primary difference between postnuptial and prenuptial agreements is timing. A prenuptial agreement is made before marriage, outlining how marital and separate property, assets, and finances will be handled in case of divorce or separation.

    A postnuptial agreement is similar but created after the couple has already married, often reflecting changes in financial situations or relationships.