Assisting Clients with the Divorce Process in Manhattan

Divorce Lawyer Manhattan

Levoritz Law is your trusted family law firm, helping you navigate the complexities of divorce in Manhattan. We are dedicated to providing compassionate guidance and strategic advocacy to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Compassionate and Effective Divorce Representation in Manhattan

At Levoritz Law, we understand the emotional and legal challenges that come with divorce. Our team of divorce lawyers in Manhattan is committed to providing compassionate and effective representation to guide you through this difficult time. With extensive experience in family law matters and matrimonial law, we offer personalized strategies tailored to your unique needs and goals.

From negotiating settlements to litigating complex disputes, we are here to advocate for your best interests every step of the way. Trust Levoritz Law to provide the support and expertise you need for a successful resolution.

Compassionate and Effective Divorce Representation in New York City

Divorce Matters We Handle in Manhattan

We help clients resolve a wide range of divorce matters, ensuring comprehensive representation no matter your situation.

Our services include:

  • Uncontested Divorce

    Streamlining the process for couples in agreement, minimizing stress and time.

  • Contested Divorce

    Vigorously representing clients in cases with contentious disagreements, advocating for your rights and interests.

  • High-Asset Divorce

    Delivering top-flight services in complex financial situations, ensuring equitable distribution of assets and liabilities.

  • Legal Separation

    Providing legal guidance and documentation for couples opting for separation rather than divorce.

  • Domestic Partnership Termination

    Assisting in the legal dissolution of domestic partnerships with care and efficiency.

  • Appeals

    Pursuing appeals to challenge or modify family court decisions, ensuring fair outcomes.

  • Alimony (Spousal Support)

    Advocating for fair spousal support arrangements, considering factors such as income, duration of marriage, and individual needs.

  • Property Division

    Providing skillful negotiation and litigation to achieve equitable distribution of marital assets and debts.

  • Abandonment

    Protecting the rights of spouses abandoned by their partners without necessary support or communication.

No matter the type of divorce you’re facing, our attorneys have the skills and resources to help.

What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Manhattan?

In New York, there are both fault-based and no-fault grounds for divorce. The no-fault basis for divorce is an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for at least six months. This means that the marriage has completely broken down, and there is no likelihood of reconciliation.

Additionally, New York recognizes several fault-based grounds for divorce, which include:

  • Cruel and Inhuman Treatment

    When one spouse’s behavior endangers the well-being of the other spouse to the point where it’s not safe to continue living together.

  • Abandonment

    When one spouse abandons the other for a continuous period of one year or more.

  • Imprisonment

    When one spouse has been imprisoned for a continuous period of three or more years after the marriage.

  • Adultery

    When one spouse engages in extramarital affairs.

  • Separation

    When spouses have been living separately pursuant to a decree or judgment of separation for at least one year.

Fault can impact issues such as property division, alimony, child custody, child visitation, and child support. Furthermore, while you need to be able to demonstrate certain circumstances in a fault-based divorce, no-fault divorces do not require proof of wrongdoing by either party.

Understanding the Process of Divorce in Manhattan

New York divorces follow a specific legal process that involves several stages, and understanding these stages can help you navigate the process more effectively.

Here’s a brief overview of the divorce process:

Meeting Residency Requirements

  1. Before you can file for divorce, you must meet one of New York's residency requirements, which include:

    • Either you or your spouse has been living in New York State continuously for at least two years before the divorce case started.

    • Either you or your spouse has been living in New York State continuously for at least one year before the divorce case starts, and either:

      • You got married in New York.
      • You lived in New York as a married couple.
      • The grounds for your divorce happened in New York State.
    • Both you and your spouse are residents of New York on the day the divorce was filed, and the grounds for your divorce happened in New York.

    If you meet one of these requirements, then you can proceed. If not, you may need to file in another jurisdiction.

Determining Grounds for Divorce

You must then decide whether you are filing for a no-fault divorce or for a fault-based divorce on grounds such as adultery, abandonment, or cruelty.

Preparing and Filing Divorce Papers

The first step in the legal process is to prepare the necessary documents.

This includes:

  • Summons with notice or summons and complaint: These documents officially start the divorce proceedings and outline your legal requirements and demands.
  • Verification: This affirms that the information in the complaint is true to your knowledge.
  • Notice of automatic orders: These orders kick in once the divorce process starts, preventing either spouse from disposing of property or making other significant financial transactions without the court’s permission or the other spouse's consent.

You’ll file these documents with the County Clerk’s office in Manhattan and pay the necessary filing fees.

Serving Your Spouse

After filing for divorce, the above papers need to be served to your spouse within 120 days. This must be done by someone other than yourself and who is over 18 years old — typically a professional process server.

Awaiting Your Spouse’s Response

Your spouse then has the opportunity to respond. If they agree with all the terms of the divorce, you can proceed with an uncontested divorce. If they disagree or file a counterclaim, it becomes a contested divorce, and more negotiations or court interventions will be required.

Filing Financial Disclosures

Both parties are required to exchange detailed financial disclosure statements, which are crucial for discussions about alimony, child support, and division of assets.

Negotiating and Settling

Many divorces are settled out of court through negotiation between attorneys or through mediation. If you reach a settlement, a Settlement Agreement will be drafted.

Proceeding with Court Intervention

If you can’t settle, the case will go to trial, where a judge will make decisions on all contested issues.

Receiving a Judgment of Divorce

Once all issues are resolved either through settlement or court judgment, the court will issue a Judgment of Divorce, officially ending the marriage. This document details all the terms of the divorce, including asset division, child custody, and support arrangements.

Making Post-Divorce Modifications

Your circumstances might change post-divorce, which would then prompt modifications to the divorce decree, especially concerning child support, custody, or alimony.

Schedule a Consultation with a Manhattan Divorce Law Firm

Are you ready to take the next step in your divorce proceedings? Contact our experienced divorce attorneys today to schedule your personalized consultation.

How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in Manhattan?

The timeline for getting divorced can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the backlog of cases in the court system, and whether the divorce is contested or uncontested.

For example, if the divorce is contested, you’ll likely require negotiation and mediation in order to reach agreements on various issues such as property division, child custody, and support. The length of this phase can vary depending on the willingness of both parties to compromise and the complexity of the issues involved.

Furthermore, if the parties are unable to reach an agreement through negotiation or mediation, the case may proceed to court for litigation. This can add additional time to the divorce process, as scheduling hearings and waiting for court dates may take several months.

With all factors considered, you could expect the process to take several months to over a year to complete.

How Much Will a Divorce Cost?

The cost of a divorce can vary significantly based on several factors, including whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the marital assets, and whether there are children involved.

Here’s a general breakdown of possible costs:

  • Filing fees: The minimum cost to file for divorce is $335, but there may be additional fees for motions or other court filings throughout the process.
  • Attorney fees: There is no average amount you might pay an attorney for a Manhattan divorce, but it can be in the thousands to tens of thousands — connect with our team to learn what you might expect to pay.
  • Mediation and arbitration costs: Again, there’s no set average here — some clinics offer their services for free, while others might charge hundreds of dollars per hour.
  • Additional expenses: These can include costs for financial advisors, accountants, real estate appraisers, and child custody evaluators.
  • Miscellaneous costs: This can include administrative fees, the cost of hiring court reporters, and potentially even costs for a guardian ad litem if child custody needs to be assessed.

Because the fees can vary so greatly, it’s difficult to assign a specific dollar amount you can expect to pay throughout your divorce. A simple uncontested divorce might cost a few thousand dollars, while a contested divorce could start around $15,000 and go much higher. If high-value assets or children are involved, the costs can increase substantially.

Always consider getting a detailed estimate from a local attorney who works in family law to get a clearer picture of what to expect financially.

Why Choose Our Manhattan Divorce Attorneys?

Choosing a reputable law firm like Levoritz Law for your divorce can provide numerous benefits. Here are some compelling reasons to consider working with our family attorneys:

  • Experienced Legal Representation

    Levoritz Law boasts a team of top-flight attorneys who work in family law issues and divorce cases. We are well-versed in navigating the complexities of Manhattan's legal system and can handle a wide range of divorce scenarios.

  • Personalized Attention

    At Levoritz Law, each case is treated with personalized attention. We understand that each divorce has unique aspects and requires a tailored approach. This ensures that your specific needs and concerns are sufficiently addressed throughout the divorce process.

  • Reputation for Excellence

    We’ve established a strong reputation in the Manhattan community for our professionalism, integrity, and results-driven approach. Choosing a firm with a solid reputation can provide peace of mind and confidence in the legal process.

  • Transparent Communication

    Our clients can expect clear and consistent communication throughout their family law cases. We prioritize keeping clients informed about the status of their divorce and their available options.

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We proudly serve Manhattan and its neighboring suburbs, delivering dedicated legal services tailored to the distinct needs of urban and suburban clients alike.

Contact Levoritz Law to Get Your Divorce Case Review

Contact Levoritz Law today to schedule a consultation and receive a thorough review of your divorce case. Let us guide you through this challenging time with skill and compassion.

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