Protecting Your Parental Rights & Your Children’s Best Interests

Child Custody Lawyers Long Island — Levoritz Law Firm

Child custody disputes are challenging conflicts that often come with a divorce or separation. At Levoritz Law Firm, our Long Island child custody lawyers are dedicated to guiding you through this difficult process. We strive to create parenting plans that prioritize your children’s well-being while protecting your rights.

Our Child Custody Legal Services on Long Island

We offer a full range of services to help you navigate child custody matters, including:

  • Parenting Plan Development

    We’ll work with you to create comprehensive parenting plans that address custody arrangements, visitation schedules, decision-making responsibilities, and other important aspects of co-parenting.

  • Custody Modifications

    If your circumstances change or if an existing custody order is no longer serving your child’s best interests, we can help you seek a modification to the existing order.

  • Relocation Aid

    If you’re planning to relocate with your child, we’ll guide you through the legal process and address any custody or visitation concerns.

  • Enforcement of Custody Orders

    If your ex-spouse is not complying with a court-ordered custody arrangement, we’ll take legal action to enforce the order and protect your parental rights.

  • Parental Alienation

    If one parent tries to damage a child’s relationship with the other parent, we use strategies to protect the child’s emotional well-being and preserve the parent-child bond.

Why Choose Levoritz Law Firm for Your Long Island Child Custody Case?

When you choose Levoritz Law Firm to handle your custody case, you gain access to several benefits, including:

  • Experienced Child Custody Advocates

    Our attorneys have extensive experience handling all aspects of child custody matters. We’ll work tirelessly to achieve an outcome that is in your child’s best interests.

  • Personalized Strategies & Solutions

    We understand that every family is unique. We’ll take the time to understand your specific circumstances and develop a customized legal strategy to achieve your goals.

  • Compassionate Counsel & Communication

    We know this is an emotionally charged time. We provide empathetic guidance, clear explanations, and open communication throughout the process, keeping you informed and empowered.

Client-Focused Results

Our Trusted Law Team

Serving Long Island and the Suburbs

Protect Your Child’s Future with Levoritz Law Firm

We’re passionate about protecting your rights and the well-being of your children. If you’re facing a child custody matter on Long Island, contact Levoritz Law Firm today for a confidential consultation. Let our experienced child custody attorneys provide the guidance and support you need.

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Child Custody FAQs

  • How does a court determine child custody in New York?

    The court’s primary concern is always the best interests of the child. Factors the judge considers include each parent’s ability to provide a stable and loving home environment, the child’s existing relationship with each parent, the child’s wishes (if of sufficient age and maturity), and each parent’s work schedule and living arrangements. The judge will also evaluate any history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental health concerns that could impact the child.

  • What types of custody are there in New York?

    There are two main types of custody: sole custody and joint custody.

    In sole custody, one parent has primary physical custody of the child and sole decision-making authority regarding major aspects of the child’s life, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

    In joint custody, parents share decision-making responsibilities, and the child may live with each parent on a shared schedule. There are various forms of joint custody, and the specific arrangements can be tailored to the needs of the family.

  • Can I move out of state with my child?

    Relocation with a child requires either the consent of the other parent or court approval. You’ll need to file a petition with the court demonstrating that the move is in the child’s best interests, considering factors like educational opportunities, family support, and the impact on the child’s relationship with the other parent.

  • What is a parenting plan, and why is it important?

    A parenting plan is a detailed document that outlines the specifics of child custody, visitation, and co-parenting arrangements. It addresses issues such as:

    • Physical custody: Where the child will live and on what schedule.
    • Legal custody: How parents will make major decisions about the child's life.
    • Visitation: The specific days and times the non-custodial parent will spend with the child.
    • Holidays and vacations: How holidays and school breaks will be shared.
    • Communication: Methods for communication between parents and how decisions will be made.

    Having a clear and comprehensive parenting plan can help minimize conflict and provide stability for your child.